Today in Nerd History: It’s Dewey Decimal System Day!
Do you know the Dewey Decimal System? Do you remember learning in school? Or did you just spend a little too much time in the library?
Here is a little reminder in case you forgot…
- 000 – 099 = General Works, Computer Science & Information.
- 100 – 199 = Philosophy & Psychology.
- 200 – 299 = Religion.
- 300 – 399 = Social sciences.
- 400 – 499 = Language.
- 500 – 599 = Science.
- 600 – 699 = Technology.
- 700 – 799 = Arts & recreation.
#becausesometimesyouneedaninja #bsynan #nerdhistory #todayinnerdhistory #deweydecimalsystem #thedeweydecimalsystem #library #librarynerd